Monday evenings at Delaware Park never cease to amaze me. After attending the Save the Bees event at The Terrace, my wife and I walked over to check out the weekly Drum Circles of WNY gathering. Every Monday, around 6pm (when the weather is nice), groups of drummers, hoopers, jugglers, acro-yogis and the like, gather at Lincoln’s statue (Young Abraham Lincoln) near The Rose Garden.
This is the fifth season of the event series, and as you can plainly see, there are a ton of people who come out to participate. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun, as a participant or as an observer. Bring your lute, diabolos (Chinese yoyos), devil sticks, or anything else that you can balance and twirl. Stay for as long as you want – when it gets to be dusk, you can even break out your LED hoops and other illuminated toys.
This is a family friendly event series – kids get a big kick out of seeing all of these talented performers demonstrating their skills en masse.