On Sunday, September 30, WNY Pagan Pride will be hosting 2018 WNY Pagan Pride Day. If you’re wondering what this day is all about, it’s essentially “to promote tolerance and understanding between people with different belief systems.”
Most people are not at all familiar with what paganism actually is. Basically, paganism is about believing in religions, ideals, and philosophies that are not of the main world, including polytheism, pantheism, neopaganism, or animistic beliefs.
Paganism is nothing new. It’s been around since the days of the early Christian church, although it’s only become more accepted in the modern world.
Now, the Pagan Pride Project in Buffalo, has been established to educate the public about people who adhere to pagan ways and rituals, the same as anyone else that pays tribute or prays to a certain belief or deity. For example, there are people who pray to Mother Earth. That person could be a Wiccan. In a day and age of global warming, animal extinction, and pollution, we could probably benefit from more people praying to the waters, the trees, animals, etc. The Pagan Pride Project wants to open people’s minds to the ways of life of pagan people – a way of life that is more often than not misunderstood.
“If you are a Pagan, the project can help you find pride and confidence in your path. If you are not a Pagan, the project can help you understand your Pagan friends, coworkers, and family members.” – The Pagan Pride Project
As for the 2018 WNY Pagan Pride Day, the festival will include:
- Live entertainment might include belly dancers, fire/light spinners, jugglers, comedians, acrobats/acro-yogis, bands, bards/poets, contortionists, etc.
- Crafts might include a variety of handcrafted items for the magickal household including ritual tools, oils, sprays, kitchen wands, millefiori work, pyrography, sabbat ornaments, paper crafts, quills, etc,
It’s time to open your mind, to a wider range of belief systems – to practice acceptance towards those who have chosen to take different paths than yourself.
2018 WNY Pagan Pride Day
Sunday, September 30, 2018
More details can be found at www.wnypaganpride.com.
12 pm to 5 pm
Polish Cadets | 205 Grant Street | Buffalo, NY 14207