25 years in business for any small proprietor is a big deal. When you stop to think about businesses on Elmwood, Hertel, etc., you would be hard-pressed to find more than a handful of businesses that have withstood that incredible test of time. But they are out there, that is for sure.
Cowpök opened its doors on Elmwood Avenue 25 years ago. Since that time, the piercing and tattoo gallery has brought to Buffalo a colorful side of life that went from mostly “underground” piercings to a more mainstream lifestyle business. Over the years, Cowpök has not just significantly expanded its space, it has also continually updated its lines, to keep current with the rapidly changing industry.
“We hope to see the store remain a staple of our neighborhood, and we also hope to continue our relationship with our clients so we can see the next generation get work done in our studio.” – Cowpök
The name “Cowpök” (a word play on Cowpoke – a cowboy) has become a brand name in Buffalo, by maintaining a loyal customer base.
As a way to say “thank you” to Buffalo for its continued patronage, Cowpök is hosting a 25 Year Anniversary Block Party on Saturday, September 16. The event is being labeled a throwback 90’s Block Party – to be held on the 177 Block of Elmwood Avenue. On that day, Cowpök will be featuring/offering:
- $15 off of piercings
- Flash tattoo sales
- Raffles for jewelry and gift cards
- Free shirts to give away
- Events, raffles and food in conjunction with neighboring businesses
- A wheel of prizes
- A dunk tank to dunk a Cowpok crew member
- A game table
- Selfie station
- Cotton candy and snow cone station
- A raffle table and other give aways
- Pongs as currency, to win prizes and free food
- Pasión will have Gabby from GLDNGRLS DJing part of the day
- Pasión will also be hosting karaoke with 90’s songs to pick from
Other businesses that will also be participating include: Shianne Waxing, 125 Art Collective, Café Taza, The Village, Allentown Pizza, Cantina Loco, and others – each business will have respective activities planned.
Cowpök 25 Year Anniversary Block Party
Cowpök | 177 Elmwood Avenue | Buffalo NY | (716) 885-0252 | Facebook
90’s Block Party
Saturday, September 16, 2017
This event will is free to enter and will run from (tentatively) noon until 8pm